Friday, March 30, 2012

15 Doktrin Syi’ah Menyesatkan

(Hasan Bishri, Lc. Pimpinan Klinik Ghoib Senen Jak-Pus.
Telp : 021- 4288 7942 , 0813 8185 5656, 0815 11311 554 ).

Pertama: Dunia dengan seluruh isinya adalah milik para imam Syi’ah. Mereka akan memberikan dunia ini kepada siapa yang dikehendaki dan mencabutnya dari siapa yang dikehendaki. (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi, hal.259, Al-Kulaini).

Doktrin itu untuk menandingi firman Allah SWT, “Sesungguhnya bumi adalah milik Allah, Dia dikaruniakan kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki”. (QS. Al-A’raf: 128). Mereka menyetarakan kekuasaan para Imam Syi’ah dengan Allah, bukankah itu inti kesyirikan?

Kedua: Ali bin Abi Thalib mereka klaim/dakwa sebagai imam Syi’ah yang pertama dinyatakan sebagai dzat yang pertama dan terakhir, yang dhahir dan yang bathin (Kitab Rijalul Kashi: hal. 138). Mereka menyamakan sifat Ali dengan sifat Allah seperti dalam surat Al-Hadid, ayat 3. Bukankan itu inti kesyirikan dan kekufuran? 

Ketiga: Para Imam Syi’ah merupakan wajah Allah, mata Allah dan tangan-tangan Allah yang membawa rahmat bagi para hamba Allah (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 83).

Keempat: Amirul Mukminin, Ali bin Abi Thalib oleh Syi’ah dikatakan menjadi wakil Allah dalam menentukan surga dan neraka, memperoleh sesuatu yang tidak diperoleh oleh manusia sebelumnya, mengetahui yang baik dan yang buruk, mengetahui segala sesuatu secara rinci yang pernah terjadi dahulu maupun yang ghaib (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 84).

Kelima: Keinginan para Imam Syi’ah adalah keinginan Allah juga (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 278).

Keenam: Para Imam Syi’ah mengetahui kapan/bila datang ajalnya dan mereka sendiri yang menentukan saat kematiannya, karena bila imam tidak mengetahui hal-hal semacam itu maka ia tidak berhak menjadi imam (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 158).

Ketujuh: Para Imam Syi’ah mengetahui apapun yang tersembunyi dan dapat mengetahui dan menjawab apa saja bila kita bertanya kepada mereka, karena mereka mengetahui hal ghaib sebagaimana yang Allah ketahui (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 193).

Kedelapan: Allah itu bersifat Bada’ (yaitu baru mengetahui sesuatu bila sudah terjadi). Akan tetapi para Imam Syi’ah telah mengetahui lebih dahulu hal yang belum terjadi (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 40).

Menurut Al-Kulaini (ulama besar ahli hadits Syi’ah), bahwa Allah tidak mengetahui bahwa Husein bin Ali akan mati terbunuh. Menurut mereka Tuhan pada mulanya tidak tahu karena itu Tuhan membuat ketetapan baru sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada. Akan tetapi Imam Syi’ah telah mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi. Oleh sebab itu menurut doktrin Syi’ah Allah bersifat bada’ (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 232).

Kesembilan: Para imam Syi’ah merupakan gudang ilmu Allah dan juga penerjemah ilmu Allah. Para imam Syi’ah bersifat Ma’sum (bersih dari kesalahan dan tidak pernah lupa apalagi berbuat Dosa). Allah menyuruh manusia untuk mentaati Imam Syi’ah, tidak boleh mengingkarinya dan mereka menjadi hujjah (Argument Kebenaran). (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 165).

Kesepuluh: Para imam Syi’ah sama dengan Rasulullah Saw (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 165). Yang mereka maksud para Imam Syi’ah adalah Ali bin Abi Thalib, Husein bin Ali, Ali bin Husein, Hassan bin Ali dan Muhammad bin Ali. (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 109).

Kesebelas: Al-Qur’an yang ada sekarang telah berubah, dikurangi dan ditambah (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 670). Salah satu contoh ayat Al-Qur’an yang dikurangi dari aslinya (versi mereka, red.) yaitu ayat Al-Qur’an An-Nisa’: 47, menurut versi Syi’ah berbunyi: “Ya ayyuhalladziina uutul kitaaba aaminuu bimaa nazzalnaa fie ‘Aliyyin nuuron mubiinan” (Kitab Fashlul Khitab: hal. 180). Menurut Syi’ah, Al-Qur’an yang dibawa Jibril kepada Nabi Muhammad ada 17 ribu ayat, namun yang tersisa sekarang hanya 6660 ayat  (Kitab Ushulul Kaafi: hal. 671).

Keduabelas: Menyatakan bahwa Abu Bakar, Umar, Utsman bin Affan, Muawiyah, Aisyah, Hafshah, Hindun, dan Ummul Hakam adalah makhluk yang paling jelek di muka bumi, mereka ini adalah musuh-musuh Allah. Siapa yang tidak memusuhi mereka, maka tidaklah sempurna imannya kepada Allah, Rasul-Nya dan Imam-Imam Syi’ah (Kitab Haqqul Yaqin: hal. 519, oleh Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi).

Ketigabelas: Menghalalkan nikah Mut’ah, bahkan menurut doktrin Syi’ah orang yang melakukan kawin mut’ah 4 kali derajatnya lebih tinggi dari Nabi Muhammad SAW. (Kitab Tafsir Minhajush Shadiqin, hal. 356, oleh Mullah Fathullah Kassani).

Keempatbelas: Menghalalkan saling tukar-menukar budak perempuan untuk disetubuhi kepada sesama temannya. Kata mereka, Imam Ja’far berkata kepada temannya: “Wahai Muhammad, kumpulilah budakku ini sesuka hatimu. Jika engkau sudah tidak suka kembalikan lagi kepadaku.” (Kitab Al-Istibshar III: hal. 136, oleh Abu Ja’far Muhammad Hasan At-Thusi).

Kelimabelas: Rasulullah dan para sahabat akan dibangkitkan sebelum hari kiamat. Imam Mahdi sebelum hari kiamat akan datang dan dia membongkar kuburan Abu Bakar dan Umar yang ada didekat kuburan Rasulullah. Setelah dihidupkan maka kedua orang ini akan disalib (Kitab Haqqul Yaqin, hal. 360, oleh Mullah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi).

Semua kitab tersebut di atas adalah kitab-kitab induk atau rujukan pokok kaum Syi’ah yang posisinya seperti halnya kitab-kitab hadits Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad bin Hambal, Nasa’i, Tirmidzi, Abu Daud, dan Ibnu Majah bagi kaum Muslimin. Oleh karena itu, upaya-upaya Syi’ah untuk menanamkan kesan bahwa Syi’ah adalah bagian dari kaum Muslimin, hanya berbeda dalam beberapa hal yang tidak prinsip, adalah dusta dan harus ditolak tegas

Adakah orang masih percaya bahwa Syi’ah itu bagian dari umat Islam? Atau Anda masih ragu bahwa ajaran Syi’ah itu sesat menyesatkan? Menurut Imam Malik dan Imam Ahmad, barangsiapa yang tidak MENGKAFIRKAN aqidah Syi’ah ini, maka dia termasuk Kafir. Wallohu a’lam (dari berbagai sumber).

Menjaga Kesopanan

Menjaga Kesopanan. Kesopanan akan menjadikan pemiliknya mulia. Orang yang melihat akan terpesona, karena dialah jalan yang dapat menghubungkan hati. Sikap yang menjaga kesopanan akan melahirkan akhlak mulia, keindahan etika. Inilah keindahan menjaga kesopanan.

Ada satu hal yang diakui dalam kehidupan ini bahwa orang yang selalu menjaga kesopanan akan selalu mulia meski ia miskin, sama halnya dengan orang yang tetap akan ditakuti meski sedang berdiam diri. Sebaliknya, orang yang tidak menjaga kesopanan dan etika akan selalu terhina meski ia kaya layaknya anjing yang tetap dibenci meski memakai kalung dari emas murni (Al-Muru'ah wa Khawaruhima, Syaikh Masyhur bin Hasan Ali Sulaiman. 41 )

Sufyan Bin Uyainah pernah ditanya :"Anda telah mengambil kesimpulan dari Al-Qur'an dalam segala hal, mana ayat yang menjelaskan kesopanan?"
Ia Menjawab :"Ada dalam salah satu Firman Allah Ta'ala yaitu :

"Jadilah engkau pemaaf, dan suruhlah orang yang mengerjakan yang makruf, serta berpalinglah dari orang-orang yang bodoh." (QS. Al-A'raaf [7]:199 ).

Ayat ini mengandung ajaran tentang kesopanan. Dalam firmanNya :"Jadilah engkau pemaaf" terkandung ajaran untuk berbuat baik kepada orang-orang yang memutuskan hubungan, memaafkan orang yang melakukan kesalahan, berlaku lemah lembut kepada orang-orang yang beriman dan masih banyak ajaran akhlak yang terkandung di dalamnya.

FirmanNya :"Dan suruhlah orang mengerjakan yang makruf" mengandung ajaran untuk menyambung silaturahmi, bertakwa kepada Allah dalam hal halal dan haram, menundukkan pandangan, dan mempersiapkan diri menuju hari pembalasan.

FirmanNya :"Berpalinglah dari orang-orang yang bodoh" mengandung ajaran untuk bersikap lemah lembut, meninggalkan kezhaliman, menjauhi perbuatan orang-orang bodoh, meniru mereka, serta ajaran berbagai macam akhlak mulia dan bimbingan melakukan hal-hal yang berguna. ( 'Ain Al-Adab wa As-Siyasah. 132-133 )

Betapa indahnya ungkapan Hafizh Ibrahim dalam untaian syairnya berikut ini :
Aku dihibur oleh akhlak mulia.
Laksana dihiburnya pahlawan yang baru kembali.
Aku bergetar tatkala mendengar kesopanan dan kedermawanan
Disebut diantara sifat-sifat mulia.

Demikian tadi saudaraku mengenai menjaga kesopanan dan semoga bermanfaat saudaraku semuanya.


10 Penghapus Dosa

(Hasan Bishri, Lc. Pimpinan Klinik Ghoib Senen Jak-Pus.
Telp : 021- 4288 7942 , 0813 8185 5656, 0815 11311 554 )

Pertama: Bertaubat kepada Allah, kemudian Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala mengampuninya.

Kedua: Beristighfar kepada Allah, lalu Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala mengampuninya.

Ketiga: Mengerjakan amalan-amalan kebaikan, karena amalan-amalan kebaikan akan menghapuskan amalan-amalan kejelekan.

Keempat: Mendapatkan do’a (permohonan ampunan) dari saudara-saudaranya yang beriman. Mereka memberikan syafaat kepadanya ketika masih hidup dan sesudah meninggal.

Kelima: Mendapatkan hadiah pahala dari amalan-amalan saudara-saudaranya yang beriman, dan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala memberikan manfaat kepadanya dari hadiah tersebut.

Keenam: Mendapatkan syafaat dari Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.

Ketujuh: Mendapatkan musibah-musibah di dunia ini, dan ia bersabar menghadapinya sehingga dengannya Allah menghapus dosa-dosanya.

Kedelapan: Berwudhu dengan sempurna.

Kesembilan: Berjalan ke masjid untuk beribadah.

Kesepuluh: Mendapatkan rahmat dari Arhamur Rahimin, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.


Dajjal yang sentiasa ada di sekeliling kita dan saranan Rasulullah SAW

Pagi Jumaat ini nak cerita sikit tentang Dajjal yang sentiasa ada di sekeliling kita dan apa saranan Rasulullah untuk kita. Hadis Rasulullah:

  • فَقَالَ إِنِّي أُنْذِرُكُمُوهُ وَمَا مِنْ نَبِيٍّ إِلَّا قَدْ أَنْذَرَهُ قَوْمَهُ لَقَدْ أَنْذَرَهُ نُوحٌ قَوْمَهُ وَلَكِنْ سَأَقُولُ لَكُمْ فِيهِ قَوْلًا لَمْ يَقُلْهُ نَبِيٌّ لِقَوْمِهِ تَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ أَعْوَرُ وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ لَيْسَ بِأَعْوَرَ

    “sesungguhnya aku menyampaikan peringatan kepada kamu tentang Dajjal kerana tiap-tiap Nabi telah memberi peringatan kepada kaum mereka tetapi aku akan tambahkan untuk kamu satu perkara yang tidak disebut oleh Nabi terdahulu iaitu Dajjal itu mata buta sebelah sedang Allah tidak buta” (Dari Abdullah bin Umar (Riwayat Muslim)).

    Dajjal itu disebut buta (sebelah mata) – bermaksud - tidak melihat dengan kedua matanya (saksama) dalam perkara-perkara hak. Kebenaran dilihatnya sebelah mata (menutup sebelah lagi mata) justru itulah sifat ini menjurus kepada fitnah dan dusta. Sesiapa sahaja antara manusia ini apabila melihat kebenaran dengan sebelah mata, akan tercetuslah pelbagai fitnah sehingga terbentuknya kemungkaran, terasa hebat, apatah lagi apabila diuji dengan 'kemampuan' luarbiasa…

    Nabi-nabi terdahulu juga mengingatkan kepada umatnya tentang kejahatan dajjal. Macam-macam fitnah yang ada di sekeliling kita... hasil daripada tindakan seseorang tidak melihat dengan betul sesuatu perkara mengikut neraca syarak. hingga sesuatu yang salah tetapi disebabkan biasa dilakukan oleh anggota masyarakat lain... ia dianggap boleh dan dibenarkan!

    Kita diajar bagaimana menghindari daripada kejahatan dajjal ini.
    Hadis Rasulullah menerangkan:
    مَنْ حَفِظَ عَشْرَ آيَاتٍ مِنْ أَوَّلِ سُورَةِ الْكَهْفِ عُصِمَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الدَّجَّالِ
    Barang siapa menghafaz 10 ayat dari awal surah al-Kahfi maka ia akan dilindungi dari fitnah Dajjal”

    Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah r.a . Baginda mengajar kita membaca doa di bawah selepas bacaan tahiyyat akhir semasa solat:
    اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّي اَعُوذُبِكَ مِن عَذَابِ الْقَبْر وَمِن عَذَابِ النَّار وَمِن فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَات وَمِن فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّال
    ‘Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari siksa kubur, siksa neraka, dari fitnah hidup dan mati, dan dari fitnah al-Masih Dajjal ‘.

    Tawwus Ibn Kaisan, seorang ulama khas terkemuka, menyuruh anaknya mengulangi solat apabila didapati anaknya tidak membaca doa itu. Justeru pentingnya doa agar dilindungi kita daripada fitnah Dajjal, maka seorang ulama besar, Abdul Rahman al-Muharibi menyarankan agar guru-guru kelas tadika mengajar doa itu kepada murid-murid mereka.

    Al-Safarini juga menyatakan, orang berilmu perlu mengajar doa ini kepada anak-anak, isteri dan keluarganya, bahkan kaum lelaki juga hendaklah membaca, kerana akhir-akhir ini ramai Dajjal yang suka menipu dan menyebarkan fitnah.

    Berpandukan riwayat ini, Ibn Hazm al-Zahiri memutuskan, doa di atas wajib dibaca selepas membaca tasyahhud akhir. Sesiapa yang tidak membaca, maka tidak sah solatnya (al-Muhalla 3/277). Ini bermakna, sesiapa yang tidak membaca doa ini dalam tasyahhudnya, nescaya batal solatnya (menurut pandangan beliau).

    Beliau berpandangan demikian rasanya kerana keprihatinan beliau terhadap kejahatan dajjal yang sentiasa mencari peluang melakukan fitnah kepada anak adam seperti kita.

    JOM!!! Sesiapa yang belum hafal doa ini... jom hafal dan baca setiap kali solat di tahiyat akhir, sebelum salam.

    Rujuk: Ibnuabid Safar

Thursday, March 29, 2012

18 sebab jin merasuk manusia

WANITA suka bersolek dan gemar berpakaian mendedahkan aurat sasaran utama golongan jin untuk dipikat.

Salah seorang imam Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam, Selangor, Ustaz Ahmad Dasuki Abd Rani berkata, dalam setiap tubuh manusia ada jin dan makhluk halus itu sentiasa berusaha mempengaruhi kita mengikut telunjuk mereka.

Pendakwah bebas lulusan Universiti Al-Azhar itu berkata, ramai manusia tidak menyedari tindak-tanduk mereka sentiasa menjadi perhatian jin.

Jin sebenarnya suka memikat manusia, terutama wanita yang suka bersolek dan gemar berpakaian mendedah aurat,” katanya ketika membentangkan kertas kerja berkaitan peranan jin di Masjid Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, baru-baru ini.

Menurut Ustaz Dasuki lagi, jin tidak akan datang mengacau seseorang itu melainkan ia sudah terpikat.

“Bila sudah berkenan, jin akan berusaha memasuki tubuh orang yang dia suka dan terus bersarang di dalamnya,?tambahnya.

Lazimnya, kata beliau, jin memilih manusia yang lemah semangat dan tidak mempunyai pendinding diri untuk dipikat.

“Manusia yang sudah lupa Allah dan menjauhi Al Quran tidak lagi mempunyai pendinding diri dan sebab itu mudah dipengaruhi jin,” tambahnya.

Manurut Ustaz Dasuki lagi, jin menyusup masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia dengan berbagai cara, antaranya diminta manusia sendiri sama ada sedar atau tidak. Lebih malang lagi, katanya, manusia sendiri menggunakan khidmat jin sebagai khadamnya untuk melakukan pengkhianatan kepada orang lain.

Ustaz Dasuki menyatakan 18 sebab jin merasuk manusia, iaitu:

1. Apabila manusia meringankan solat dan tidak mentaati perintah Allah.
2. Terdapat alat muzik atau alat melalaikan didalam rumah
3. Meninggikan suara dalam bilik air
4. Menangis dan merintih sebelum tidur
5. Membuang air panas ke dalam bilik air
6. Melompat tinggi tanpa membaca Bismillah
7. Memasuki tempat gelap yang ditinggalkan
8. Perasaan terlalu takut dan terlampau gembira, seperti ketawa berlebihan
9. Selalu bertengkar suami isteri
10. Terlampau marah
11. Mengikut hawa nafsu
12. Terdapat gambar lukisan manusia dan anjing di dalam rumah
13. Terdapat lambang salib pada lantai, sejadah atau langsir
14. Menghadiri majlis yang melekakan tanpa menyebut kalimah Allah
15. Perempuan suka bersolek
16. Berlaku sihir perjanjian di antara jin dan tukang sihirPublish Post
17. Jin jatuh cinta pada manusia
18. Suka membaca buku cerita hantu dan buku berunsur sihir.

Beliau juga memberikan beberapa tanda manusia dirasuk jin, antaranya sukar tidur malam, hati berdebar-debar terutama pada waktu senja atau perasaan resah tidak menentu.

Mimpi berulang mengenai perkara yang menakutkan seperti melihat anjing hitam, kucing, ular, manusia pelik, dibawa ke kubur atau diusung ke tempat mengerikan juga dikaitkan dengan gangguan jin.

Selesema berpanjangan juga dikaitkan dengan gangguan makhluk halus selain malas berzikir dan solat,?katanya.

Selain itu, manusia dirasuk jin merasa sakit pada sesetengah anggotanya tapi sukar dikesan oleh doktor.

Lain lain tanda ialah pening berpanjangan terutama pada waktu senja, otak lemah, tidak sedar diri serta telinga berdesing atau mendengar kata-kata suruhan tertentu.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Hebatnya UMNO semasa berkuasa sejak merdeka ialah kesungguhannya mengasuh Melayu supaya hidup tak berprinsip. Pemimpin BN/UMNO akan keliling negara sebarkan rasuah pilihan raya: duit, kain batik, gula, periuk belanga dsbnya....apabila pilihan raya dekat.

Bila rasuah jadi budaya, hilanglah jatidari Melayu. Kerana rasuah adalah dosa besar dalam Islam. Bangsa Melayu dulu pernah hebat kerana 500 tahun menentang penjajahan (Haji Buyong Adil, Perjuangan Orang Melayu Menentang Penjajahan Abad 15 - 19, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1985)...kini lesu dilayukan oleh UMNO...selepas Inggeris balik negeri.

Rupa-rupanya bangsa Melayu silap memilih heronya, UMNO.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Iman membentuk jiwa yang hidup

Iman membentuk jiwa yang hidup

Oleh: Dr. Majdi al-Hilali

Semakin kuat iman, maka semakin bertambah sensitiviti individu apabila terjatuh atau mendekati perkara-perkara syubhat dan haram. Sebaliknya, semakin lemah iman akan menurunkan sensitiviti tersebut, kata Abdullah ibn Mas’ud RA berkata:

“Orang mukmin melihat dosa-dosanya seolah-olah dia sedang berada di kaki gunung; dia takut kalau gunung itu akan menghempapnya. Manakala ahli maksiat melihat dosanya hanya seperti seekor lalat yang hinggap di hidungnya maka mudah untuk menghalaunya.”

Ini bermakna tahap iman individu tercerna dalam perasaan dan sensitivitinya terhadap dosa. Justeru, di manakah ia antara dua kecenderungan tersebut ..

Adakah seperti orang yang duduk di bawah batu di kaki gunung yang akan menghempapnya pada bila-bila masa, atau seperti orang yang dihinggapi lalat pada hidungnya?

Dari sini kita katakan bahawa iman yang hidup akan mengawal tingkah laku manusia, seperti mana Imam Hassan al-Banna pernah berkata: Iman ini meninggalkan ke dalam setiap jiwa “raqib” yang tidak pernah alpa, pengawas dan penjaga agar jiwa manusia tidak pernah lalai, saksi yang tidak pernah bermuka-muka, pilih kasih, menyesatkan dan tidak akan lupa untuk menemani jiwa manusia sepanjang masa; siang dan malam, ketika sendirian atau berkumpulan. Iman ini akan mengawasi manusia setiap masa di setiap tempat, mengajak jiwa manusia supaya melakukan kebaikan dan mencegah agar tidak melakukan kejahatan, mengingatkan manusia agar tidak tergelincir, memimpin manusia supaya dapat membezakan jalan yang betul dan jalan yang salah. (Adakah kita golongan yang bekerja?).

Pada satu hari Rasulullah saw menyatakan tentang jenis-jenis sangkaan; antaranya ada setengah orang yang menyangka ia mendapat pahala, ada yang menyangka kejahatannya tertutup dan ada yang menyangka ia mendapat dosa


Beliau ditanya mengenai orang yang menyangka kesalahannya tertutup? Beliau berkata: "Ayat yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah kepada saya tentang hal ini hanya satu ayat yang sudah mencakupi dan lengkap ini:

“Maka sesiapa berbuat kebajikan seberat zarah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya)! Dan sesiapa berbuat kejahatan seberat zarah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya)!” (Al-Zalzalah: 7-8).

Apabila iman semakin meningkat dan bertambah tentu akan menjadikan seseorang mudah untuk beramal - walaupun seberat zarah seperti yang dinyatakan dalam ayat –. Dengan itu, akan mendorong seseorang untuk bergerak dengan penuh sensitiviti dan waspada semasa melakukan sesuatu dalam semua perkara.

Ya, inilah undang-undang yang paling penting untuk mengawal tingkah laku. Walaupun dikuatkuasakan suatu undang-undang yang ketat dalam masyarakat untuk mengawal tingkah laku individu tidak akan dapat membuahkan hasil melainkan jika anda memulakan dengan membaharui iman di dalam hati supaya dapat; menguatkan penggerak dalaman. Tepat sekali orang yang pernah berkata:

“Jiwa tidak akan selamat dari kesesatan ... selagi mana di dalam jiwanya tidak terdapat penggerak”

Menurut Abu Ala’ al-Maududi: Iman yang ditanam di dalam diri manusia seumpama polis pengawal yang menggerakannya untuk beramal dan mengalakkannya untuk mentaati perintah-perintah Allah .. Penggerak dalaman dan pengawal dalaman ini adalah yang menguatkan undang-undang Islam dari segi akhlak dan tingkah laku mahupun menjadikannya pelaksana di kalangan manusia menurut hakikat yang sebenar .. Iman inilah yang memastikan individu muslim dan umat Islam mendapat petujuk kepada jalan yang lurus jika iman telah berada di dalam hati.

Diriwayatkan bahawa datang seorang lelaki lalu duduk di samping Nabi saw. Dia berkata: Wahai Rasulullah, saya memiliki budak suruhan (hamba) di mana mereka telah mendustakan saya, mengkhianati saya dan berbuat jahat kepada saya. Lalu saya telah mencela mereka dan memukul mereka. Bagaimana kedudukan perbuatan saya itu? Rasulullah saw berkata: " Apabila tiba hari kiamat nanti akan dihisab semua perbuatan yang mengkhianati, mendustai dan berbuat jahat kepadamu serta tindakan kamu menghukum perbuatan mereka. Maka seandainya hukuman yang telah kamu jalankan kepada mereka sesuai dengan dosa-dosa mereka, maka ianya tanpa apa-apa bebanan. Tiada hukuman kepada mu dan juga hukuman dosa mereka ke atas mu. Namun, seandainya hukuman mu itu kurang atau tak sepadan dengan dosa-dosa mereka, maka itu yang paling untuk mu. Tetapi seandainya hukuman itu melebihi dosa-dosa mereka ke atas mu ... maka, mereka boleh membalasnya dengan lebih lagi.” Lalu lelaki itu pergi ke satu sudut.Dia meratap dan menangis. Rasulullah saw membacakan ayat ini kepadanya (bermaksud):

“Dan (ingatlah) Kami akan mengadakan neraca timbangan yang adil untuk (menimbang amal makhluk-makhluk pada) hari kiamat; maka tidak ada diri sesiapa akan teraniaya sedikitpun; dan jika (amalnya) itu seberat biji sawi (sekalipun), nescaya Kami akan mendatangkannya (untuk ditimbang dan dihitung); dan cukuplah Kami sebagai Penghitung.” (Al-Anbiya’: 47).

Lelaki itu berkata: Wahai Rasulullah, tiada suatupun untuk saya dan untuk mereka sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada melepaskan mereka. Dengan itu, saya bersaksi bahawa mereka semua dimerdekakan.

Dari 'Aishah r.ha pernah berkata: Abu Bakar mempunyai seorang budak lelaki yang selalu menolong mengeluarkan bisulnya. Ketika Abu Bakar ingin mengeluarkan bisulnya, pada satu hari budak itu datang membawa sesuatu yang disukai Abu Bakar yang sedang berlapar. Lalu Abu Bakar makan sesuap makanan pemberian budak sebelum bertanya kepadanya. Budak lelaki itu berkata kepadanya: Adakah tuan tahu apakah ini? Abu Bakar berkata: Apakah ini? Jawab budak itu: Saya telah bekerja sebagai penenun nasib kepada orang ramai di zaman jahiliah walaupun saya bukan ahli tenun yang terbaik. Tetapi sebenarnya saya menipu. Saya telah mendapat upah dari kerja ini. Saya juga makan hasil bertenun ..Lalu, apakah yang telah Abu Bakar lakukan ketika itu! Beliau melakukan sesuatu yang benar-benar mengkagumkan .. Memasukkan jari ke dalam mulut sehingga memuntahkan semua yang ada di dalam perutnya ..

Ibn Jarir alTabari meriwayatkan di dalam Tarikh Tabari, beliau bercerita: Ketika umat Islam berjaya menakluki ibu kota Empayar Parsi, Madain, tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki muslim membawa sebuah kotak untuk diberikan kepada pemiliknya daripada bangsa Parsi yang bukan Islam. Selepas diserahkan kotak itu kepada pemiliknya, orang-orang Parsi berasa begitu pelik dengan perangai lelaki ini. Mereka berkata sesama sendiri, “Kita belum pernah bertemu manusia yang bersikap seperti ini.” Merekapun bertanya kepada lelaki muslim itu, “Adakah sesuatu yang kamu ambil daripada isinya?” Lelaki muslim itu menjawab; “Demi Allah, jika tidak kerana takut kepada Allah aku pasti tidak membawa kotak ini ke mari.” Dengan jawapan itu, orang-orang parsi menyedari bahawa lelaki ini bukan calang-calang orang. Mereka terus bertanya, “Siapakah kamu?” Lelaki itu menjawab, “Aku tidak perlu memberitahu namaku yang sebenarnya kerana ia akan menyebabkan manusia memujiku. Cukuplah bagiku pujian dan pahala daripada Allah.” Mereka terus bertanya berkenaan hal ehwal lelaki ini dan akhirnya mereka diberitahu bahawa beliau adalah Amir bin Abdul Qais.;;SecID=363

Sumber: Zadud Duat:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Menghindarkan diri dari Jihad/Refraining self from Jihad..

Oleh holyexplosive, 2005-12-30 07:43:59

Note: "Jihad" means lit. - struggle and is understood in the context of Islamic teachings as struggle for the sake of Almighty God. This can mean struggling to overcome evil within one's own self, in the society or even the struggle against enemies, terrorists and oppression wherever it may be found. The word most often associated with military combat throughout the Quran is not the word "jihad," but rather, it is the word, "qital" and it means exactly to engage in mortal combat against the enemy. However, there can never be oppression committed in the name of Islam by misusing these teachings.

Brief commentary about Ibn Nuhaas

Ibn Nuhaas was a scholar and mujahid from the past and was mentioned by the great scholar, Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani(1) by the following words, "He was inseparable from jihaad in the front line of Demyaat, and this is a perfect and excellent quality".

What other scholars say about him:

As-Sakhaawy(3) states: "He strove in doing good, and preferred obscurity, he did not become proud because of his knowledge, on the contrary maybe those who did not know him would think him to be a commoner, with his pleasant appearance, beautiful beard, stocky and even body, he participated much in ribaat(4) and jihaad until he was martyred"

Abu Imaad States: "The sheikh, the Imam, the scholar and the example" During the year of 814 hijry the enemy attacked the people of At-Teenah, a village in Egypt, and the people of Demyaat marched to their help, the most notable of them being Ibn-Nuhaas. There then flared an immense battle between the two sides and Ibn-Nuhaas was killed whilst attacking the enemy not fleeing.

Modern day scholars mention his works as following:

Abu Abdul-Faatih Alee bin Haaj(5) states about this very extract: "The best that I have read from Ibn-Nuhaas Ad-Demyaaty is an investigation which explains the reasons for sitting back from jihaad in the cause of Allah the Most High, so I wish to quote it in it's entirety for that which it contains of benefits for the rest of the brothers, maybe Allah will awaken the sleeping concerns..."(6).

Shaheed Abdullah Azzaam(7) stated: "This is the best book written on jihaad".

[This article is actually only taken from his introduction to his book on Jihad. This article has been translated from Arabic]

Shaheed(8) Ibn Nuhaas warns on page 113-132, volume 1...

Know! Oh abstainer from that which has been obligated of jihaad!
[Jihad = struggle against terrorism, aggression and oppression]

Deviator from the ways of success and correctness, that you have been exposed to expulsion and relegation. By Allah! Prevented from happiness by obtaining the objective. What that I knew! The reason for your abstinence from fighting and plunging yourself into the battles of the brave. Your miserliness in the path of Allah with your soul and wealth. All this is due to distant hopes, fear of an on-slaughting life span and hatred of leaving a beloved from family, wealth, son, servant, or relative. A blood brother of yours, a compassionate relative, a generous supporter, a cherished friend, working extra pious deeds, love of a beautiful wife, a preventative high
rank, a lofty position, a raised palace, a long shade, magnificent garments or wholesome food. There is not beside these that hinder you from jihaad and none beside these distant you from the Lord of the worshipers. By Allah!
What is this from you? Oh brother! Did you not hear the words of the Most High?

"Oh you who believe what is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forward in the cause of Allah you cling heavily to the earth are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the hereafter but little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the hereafter "

Hearken! To that which I dictate to you of decisive evidences and listen that which I present to you of glaring proofs, so that you may learn, nothing hinders from jihaad, not even the two Holy Mosques(9) and there is no reason for your delay except the lower self and the devil.

"But I fear death! "

As for your appease to distant hopes, fear of an on-slaughting life span, vigilance of death which must occur and fear of the path which must be traversed, by Allah! Verily! Bravery does not shorten the life of the brave just as refrainment does not lengthen the life of those who lag behind:

"And every nation has its appointed term when there term is reached neither an hour can they delay nor an hour can they advance." (Al A'raaf:34).

"And Allah grants respite to none when his appointed time comes and Allah is all aware of what you do."

Verily! In death there is swooning Oh tribulated one! Verily! The terror of the dying is great but you do not sense and verily! In the grave there is a punishment none is saved from it except the righteous.

Verily! In it there is the Questioning of the two tribulating angels:

"Allah will keep firm those who believe with the word that stands firm in this world and the hereafter and Allah will cause to go astray those who are wrong doers" (Ibraaheem:27).

Then after this immense danger either blessed and to the everlasting pleasure or accursed and hence to the punishment of the fire. The martyr is safe from all this, he fears not a thing from these destructors and the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W) has stated: "The martyr feels not the pain of killing except like a pinch"(10). So do not hinder Oh brother! From seizing this opportunity, and you would be protected in the grave from punishment and you would be victorious in the reckoning of Allah. Attaining an excellent return, you would be saved from the tribulation of the Questioning and that which is after it of intense fear, for the martyrs are alive with their Lord provided for, no fear upon them nor do they sadden. Happy for what Allah has bestowed upon them from his favours and they rejoice, their souls in the bodies of green birds flying freely in the highest parts of paradise. What a difference between this noble death and a painful death!

"But my relatives and wealth! "

If you say: "my relatives, wealth, children and family hamper me from jihaad", for Allah has stated words that are clear not concealed:

"and it is not your wealth nor your children that bring you nearer to us..."

(Saba:37) and the Most High says:

"Beautified for men is the love of things they covet; women children much of gold silver branded beautiful horse, cattle and well tilled land. This is the pleasure of the present worlds life, but Allah has the excellent return"(Al-Imraan:14).

and the Most High says:

"Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain , thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller, afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow then it becomes straw. But in the hereafter a severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and good pleasure whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment" (Al-Hadeed:20).

There are many verses similar to this and the proofs are clear and gleaming.
In a hadeeth; "If the present world were to be worth the wing of a mosquito in the reckoning of Allah he would not give a disbeliever a drink of water from it"(11) and the Prophet (SAW) has said "The space of a whip of any one of you in paradise is better than the present world and that which is in it, a morning march in the cause of Allah or an evening march is better than the
present world and that which is in it and the veil of a woman from the people of paradise is better than the present world and that which is in it"(12). So how do you let hinder you from this vast kingdom a family? Who after a while will be amongst the dead, tear them apart the hands of the dispersers and split them the decent of diseases. With that which emanates from them of annoyance, enmity, bad manners and malevolence for that which you averted from their share to loss. Their desertion of you when wealth is scarce and their transformation to love of you when situations change.
Greater than this their abandonment of you on the Day of Consequences, holding you to account for the smallest of things at the moment of the Grand Questioning so much so that each one of them would wish that he be saved and you carry that which is upon him of sins and burdens.

How do you let hamper you that which is in the fair of departure and decline? Fleeing from you when friendship is lost and when relatives disperse. Abandoning you every friend who use to frequent your company, then on the Day of Judgement you will be asked about him, where did you meet? And what did you do? Oh you who will be questioned! On a day that children will
become grey haired, fears intensified, crushing crowds plentiful, disputes heated, every suckling mother shall neglect her suckling infant and every pregnant mother shall miscarry(13) from the fear of that day. The guilty shall be known by their marks and they shall be grabbed by their forelocks and their feet(14).

On that Day the rich shall be held to account for the spot on a date and the skin of a date pip, the significant and the wretched, the incomplete and complete and the poor shall precede the wealthy to paradise by five hundred years(15). They shall feast, drink and enjoy in the abode of peace, whilst you Oh rich one! Shall be held from them because of your wealth and you will
fear that you be ordered to be taken to Maalik(16). Then do you sadden upon the departure of that(17) which if scarce increases your worries and concerns, if plentiful makes you rich and causes you to transgress, if you die you leave it behind you, of the things which you return. In front of you the standing and accounting for it, what can make you perceive? Give it that the
whole world in its entirety is yours, is not to an end its eventuality? Your departure from it is a must, even if you cling to its deceptive glory.

"But my precious son! "

If you remember your precious son and you sympathise for him the sympathy of a compassionate father, for Allah the Most High has said:

"Your wealth and your children are only a trial whereas Allah with him is a great reward" (At-Taghaabun:15)

By Allah! He is more merciful to the child than his father, mother, brother and uncle and how not! When He had nurtured him before them with the breast of his mercy in the darkness of the interior organs. The child's heart is in the hand of his gentleness and mercy in the womb of his mother and the loins of his father. So where was your compassion and sympathy for him when he was such? And after you where will be your closeness to him? How do you let hamper you from the abode of pleasure and neighbouring the noble Lord? A child who if small, you are with him concerned, or large for you are with him grieved, healthy for you fear for him, sick and your heart due to its weakness restless. If you manner him he angers and bolts or advise him, he
sulks and bears grudge. With that which you expect from him of disobedience as of from many children. If you give precedence to your cowardliness, if you pass by your miserliness, if you abstain from your preferences, then the trial will be greater. You hold it to be a blessing, but the tribulation will prevail and you see it as a favour. You wish for him contentment at the
sake of your worry, his happiness for your sadness, his profit at your loss and increase in his dirham and dinar at decrease in your scale You burden for his sake that which you can not and you enter because of him into every tight situation. Cast him! Oh you! from your concern to he who created you and created him, trust his sustenance after you, upon the one who sustains
you and sustains him. You have surrendered to Allah control of the affairs of the dominion and the realm and you do not surrender to him control of the affairs of your child after you die, and do you have even a slight control over such?

"...and to Allah belongs the domain and the earth and that is between them and to him is the return" (Al-Ma'idah:18)

By Allah! You do not posses the ability to benefit or harm him or yourself.
Nor the ability of causing death, life or resurrection, you can not increase his life span by even slight nor his sustenance by the spot on a date. Death could ravage you suddenly then you would be reduced to powder in your grave, cast down and because of your deeds held prisoner, your dear child after you an orphan. Your wealth divided, you are inherited by an enemy or one of mercy, your family disperses in departure and residence and you say: "Oh that I would have been amongst the martyrs! I would have won an immense reward.", and it is said to you: Impossible! Impossible! Passed that which has passed. Regrets will be intensified and you will be alone with that which you have sent forth of good deeds and bad. Verily! Listen to the words
of Allah the Mighty, the Forgiving warning you about that which you are in of deception:

"Oh mankind be afraid of your lord and fear a day when no father can avail ought for his son nor a son avail ought for his father, verily the promise of Allah is true , let not then this present life deceive you, nor let the chief deceiver deceive you about Allah" (Luqmaan:33).

If your child is from amongst the blessed, then you shall be joined with him in paradise and if he is of the accursed , then he shall be so from now. The people of paradise do not join with the people of the fire, nor the pious with the wicked, it maybe that Allah grants you martyrdom and you intercede for him. Your absence from him would be an endeavour to save him, so seek
that which will save you from the punishment and exert yourself in it for tomorrow:

"That day shall a man flee from his brother, and from his mother and his father, and from his wife and his children. Every man that day will have enough to make him careless of others."

Verily! This is an immense declaration:

"...and Allah guides whom he wills to a straight path" (Al-Baqarah:213).

"But my dear ones! "

If you say: "It is difficult for me to part from a brother, relative, friend or dear one", for you it is as if the Resurrection has already been established upon the entire of creation:

"Friends on that day will be foes one to another except the pious." 

For if the friendship was for Allah's sake, then you shall be joined in the highest ranks, in luxury forever and if the friendship was for other than Allah, then from now: Departure! Departure! Before comrade be joined with comrade, because a person in the hereafter is with his dear one, for his participating with the other in achieving his desire. If he is of the God fearing, his brother will benefit him and if he is of the accursed he will damage him.

With that which you expect from relatives and friends in this abode of harshness, aversion, little loyalty, much annoyance, lack of fairness, their transformation in your presence and their blame of you. Their injustice to you, their abandonment of you during loss of possessions and that which their hearts conceal of defects and diseases. If you fall into hardship they leave you to yourself, or if you make a mistake they free themselves from you, brothers of prosperity and enemies of hardship. Their friendship necessitates affluence, their companionship is fraught with pains, if your wealth is little you are cuffed and if your situation changes he is your
brother! Your brother! If you are in doubt about part of this declaration, then it shall become apparent to you with certainty during the Grand test.
If you triumph your hand from them with a brother from the best of brothers and remote is that, or a friend from loyal friends, then what will make you perceive that the two of you tomorrow as says the One truest in speech:

"And we shall remove from their breasts any sense of injury, brothers facing each other on thrones" (Al-Hijr:47).

So do not hamper yourself from jihaad, Oh you! With a beloved one or relative, it may be that you are split apart before death and so an immense reward passes you by. Your cherished friend separated from you and you are deprived of that which you wish of rank in paradise, you regret but your regret will avail you naught for that which has passed.

In a hadeeth: Jibreel may peace be upon him said to the Prophet (S.A.W): Oh Muhammad! Verily Allah says to you; live as you will for verily you will die, love who you will for verily you will depart from him and do what you will for verily you will be rewarded for it."(18). See what immense meaning these words have gathered, from the remembrance of death, departure of
beloved and reward for deeds, is there a warning after this warning?

"...Verily in this is a lesson for those who understand" (Al-Imraan:13)

"But my status and lineage!"

If you say: "My lineage and high position hamper me and my honour is a preventative barrier.", for what that I knew! How many have died and left your lineage? Beloved to them before it reached you and how many faded his authority from his envious obsession with it before it shadowed you. It shall be made clear to you as it was made clear to them, in that it is as if
you are already a has-been, for if you bereave at it's loss and your heart is immersed in envy, full of sadness, it will not perpetuate that which you posses of lineage and high status. You will not succeed with that which you are in search of, for it is not of the ways of salvation. Verily! For the last to leave the fire and enter with those who have entered, there is a kingship far greater than that of the kings of this world, and ten fold(19).

For then what is your opinion of he who will be with the first forerunners, the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous. It is not hidden from you that which high status entails of fatigue and tire, bad end and evil return, that which you earn due to it of many enemies and enviers and that which their inner selves gather upon of rancour and malevolence. Their
abuse of you when it fades from you, your regret and sadness upon that which has passed due to your concern and attention to it, the departure of most of your servants and the turning away from you of he who it used to gladden the kissing of your feet.

At-Tirmithi and Ibn Hibaan report a hadeeth: "The lowest of the people of paradise, for him there is eighty thousand servants, seventy two wives, a dome is constructed for him of pearls, aquamarine and gems the size of which is the distance between Al-Jaabiyah(20) and San'aa(21)"(22).

Listen to the words of the Great, the Forgiver:

"...and the angels shall enter upon them from every gate, peace be upon you for that you persevered in patience, excellent indeed is the final home," (Ar-Rad:23-24).

By Allah! This is what eyes are to be soothed with and so:

"For the like of this let the workers work" (As-Saafaat:61).

"But my beautiful abode! "

If you say: "It is difficult for me to leave my palace, it's shade, it's raised construction, high place, my servants, couches and luxuries". What that I knew! Is it not merely a house made from stone, mud, clay, metal, wood, palm branches and cane? If it is not swept it accumulates considerable rubbish, if it is not decorated then how dark is its darkness, if its construction is not renovated then how quick is its ruin, even if you renovate it, its final result is dilapidation. After a short while it will turn to dust, those resident will depart from it, the cotton merchants will move from it, its trace effaced, knowledge of its existence wiped out, its vestige erased and its name forgotten. It has been narrated: When Allah the Mighty and Majestic descended Adam (A.S) to the earth he said:
"Build for destruction and multiply for annihilation."(23).

Exchange Oh deceived one! Your palace and its quick rate of deterioration, for an eternal abode, whose palaces are high, its light radiant, its rivers flowing, its fruit laden branches stoop low and its delights successive. If you ask about its construction, for it is of silver bricks and gold bricks, no fatigue therein by far and no tire, if you ask about its soil, for it is of sweet smelling musk(24), if you ask about its gravel, for it is of pearls and jewels. If you ask about its rivers, for there are rivers of milk, rivers of honey and Al Kawthar(25). If you ask about its palaces, for there is a palace of hollowed pearl, its height seventy miles into the air, or from green aquamarine, glistening splendidly, or from red ruby, raised its construction. For the believer in every corner of its corners, a family and servants, they do not see each other due to its vastness. If you ask about its couches, for they are lined with silk brocade, for what then is your opinion of their exterior?! They are raised amongst those who are also upon couches for forty years and there is no sleep upon them or slumber, on the contrary, they recline upon them facing each other:

"And some of them draw near to others questioning" (At-Tur:25).

"But my nice food! "

If you ask about its food, for its substance is created, perpetual, its fruit not limited by seasons and their supply will not be cut off for the length of that station. On the contrary there will be ripen fruits:

"And fruit that they may choose, And the flesh of fowls that they desire"

They shall be given to drink:

"...pure sealed wine, the last thereof will be the smell of musk, and for this let those strive who want to strive" (Al-Mutaffifeen:25-26)

Its dwellers shall not defecate, urinate, spit or produce mucus. Their food shall perspire from their skins with an odour of musk, colour of pearls and then the stomach shall be reduced as it was(26). If you ask about its servants for they are eternal youths:

"...if you see them, you would think them scattered pearls. And when you look there you will see a delight and a great dominion. Their garments will be of fine green silk and gold embroidery. They will be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord shall give them a pure drink. Verily
this is a reward for you and your endeavour has been accepted" (Al-Insaan:19-22).

In summary, all that I have mentioned to you, is what has come of news, except for that in paradise there is what no eye has seen, nor ear heard nor occurred to the heart of man(27). If you ask about the length of stay in this great luxury, for they shall be therein forever, immortal, alive and they shall not die. They shall be youths, never ageing, healthy, never becoming

sick, rejoicing, never saddening, content, never becoming angry and from the fear of an end or expulsion they shall be forever safe(28). In a safe station:

"Their way of request therein will be: Glory! to you Oh Allah, and: peace, will be their greeting therein. And the close of their request will be: All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the lord of the worlds" (Yunus: 10).

So with your intelligence compare this immense, momentous kingdom and your present abode, that of a short span, small share and see that if you depart from it with martyrdom to what you will arrive. Verily! The abode that you are in is deceiving:

"...and none can inform you like him who is the all the knower" (Faatir:14).

"But I would like to improve my deeds first!"

If you say: "I like to delay in order to improve my deeds", for this is also a product of deception and distant hoping. By Allah! Delay of a destined life span has never been achieved:

"Oh Mankind! Verily the promise of Allah is true, so do not let this present life deceive you, and do not let the chief deceiver deceive you about Allah.
Surely Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy, he only invites his followers, that they may become the dwellers of the blazing fire"

By Allah! This is nothing but a snare of Iblees the accursed, it is not from the intentions of the friends of Allah, or the righteous, are not the companions of the prophet (S.A.W) and the best of those who followed them more deserving than you of this intention if you are indeed of the truthful?
If they resided to delaying the life span, they would not have developed a great fear of Allah, and they would not have fought the idolaters and disbelievers, nor attack countries and lands, do you not hearken with your ears? Oh tribulated one! To the words of the Most High:

"March forth whether you are light or heavy and make jihaad with wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you but knew"

Do you not take heed? If you are indeed of the intelligent and understanding and ponder upon the words of the Most High:

"...and Allah has preferred the mujahideen above those who sit by a huge reward" (An-Nisaa:95)

In a hadeeth: "Verily the standing of a man in the battle line for the cause of Allah is better than seventy years of worship amongst his family"29. Oh deceived one! Verily the sleep of a mujaahid is better than the night prayer and the fast of one who remains behind, there shall concerning this follow extra explanation30 and with Allah lies the assistance.

Suppose that you are truthful in what you claim, do not your deeds waver between being rejected and accepted? Is there not ahead of you that which terrifies and daunts? Is not your advance to the fearful day of the Gathering? By Allah! You do not know whether your deeds will save you, if you work, or destroy you!

"...and he knows what you conceal and what you reveal" (An-Naml:25)

"And whether you die or are killed, verily unto Allah you shall be gathered"

"But my beautiful wife!"

If you say: "it does not appease my soul, departing from my beautiful wife, my delight when she is close and my happiness from her love". Give it that your wife is the most attractive of women, and the most beautiful of the people of her time, is not her beginning a despised drop? Her last a foul corpse? And between these two she is a virgin. Her menses prevent you from
her for half her life, her disobedience to you is more than her obedience, if she does not wear kohl she becomes bleary eyed, if she does not adorn herself her roughness becomes apparent and if she does not comb her hair it becomes dishevelled. If she does not oil herself her radiance is extinguished, if she does not wear perfume musty is her smell, if she does not wash odorous is her odour, full of faults and quick to bore. If she advances in age she disheartens, if she grows old she becomes senile, you do your best and strive for her and she denies this if she becomes angry.

As the Prophet (S.A.W) has said: "If you were to do good to one of them for a lifetime then she were to notice something bad in you, she would say: I have never seen any good from you"(31). You desire from her the foulest part of her, you fear her desertion, you fear her harshness, your love for her carries you to exhaustion and fatigue, intense misery and distress. She exposes you to the sources of destruction and you are pleased to fulfil the slightest of her whims at your destruction or that close to it. She loves you because of her needs from you, if they pass by she deserts you, she abandons you and seeks for other than you. She becomes bored with you and she makes her enmity apparent, as she says with the tongue of her condition even if she does not express it in words: "Maintain me and spend, or separate from me and divorce me!".

In summary it is impossible to enjoy her except with a twist, your relationship with her will not last except with pressure and hardship. By Allah! What a wonder! How do you let love of her hamper you from reunion with one created from light?

Raised in the shade of palaces with youths and maidens, in the abode of luxuries and happiness, by Allah! the blood of a martyr does not dry but that he has met her. His eyes delight in witnessing her glow, wide eyed, beautiful, exquisite, virgin, as if she were a ruby, no man or jinn has had sexual intercourse with her before you, her speech soft, her figure correct, her hair uniform in colour, her virility immense, her eyelids flitter. Her beauty is dazzling and radiant, her coquetishness evident, her glance darkened with kohl, beautiful her elegance, sweet her speech, marvellous her creation, splendid her manners, glowingly adorned, most gorgeous of things lawful, full of love, free of boredom, her glance created only for looking at you, so she does not look at any except you.

She loves for you everything that your desires desire, if a nail of hers was to become apparent the light of the full moon would be completely extinguished and if her bracelet was to become apparent during the night, there would remain no darkness in the creation. Were that
her wrist would to become apparent the whole of mankind would become enthralled and were that she would look between the earth and the sky, it would fill between the two a fragrance. Were that she would spit into the sea, it would turn to freshwater, every time you glance towards her she is enhanced in your eye in splendour and every time you sit with her, her
beauty is increased with beauty.

Is it befitting of a person of intelligence that he hears of her and then sits back from reunion with her??? How? And for him in paradise are wide-eyed maidens like her and more like her! Know that separation from your wife eventually is a must, it is as if it has already happened and in paradise you shall be joined together if Allah wills. What best of joining places! And what is between you and her reaching there if she is of the righteous, except a time during which you must separate from her and that is death.

You will find her in the hereafter more beautiful than the wide-eyed maidens by a factor that none knows except the Lord of the worlds. That which you despised in her gone, that which was evil in her vanished, her manners perfected, her creation beautified, more attractive, broad eyed, a beautiful radiant woman, virgin, cleaned from menses and bleeding, removed from her all types of impurities and her crookedness straightened. Her jubilation increased, her glow expanded, her virility enlarged and she is superior to the wide-eyed maidens like their superiority over her in this present abode. So turn away from her today for Allah�s cause, he will exchange her for you and if she is of the people of paradise then you must have her.

The stark reality of this world

So do not become distracted Oh you! From the eternal abode, by deception with something from the chattels of this present world, for by Allah! It is not an abode of residence, neither a place of meeting nor perfection. An abode that if it makes you laugh today it makes you weep tomorrow, if it makes you happy then succeeds its happiness ruin, if you gather therein all the luxuries, then Allah�s wrath is quick to descend upon you. If it enriches you, it impoverishes you, if it unites it separates, if it rejoins it disperses, if it diminishes it congests, if it enriches it overburdens, if it increases it eradicates, if it constructs, it destroys, if it produces it flees, if it elevates it topples and if it becomes peaceful it oppresses.

If its graces prevail, it causes grief with its evil results, if it revitalises with its reunion then weaning follows it, its closeness is far, its beloved one dejected, its drink a mirage and its sweetness punishment. The abode of worries, sadness, distress, anxiety, transition,
separation, wretchedness, schism, disease, fatigue, hardship and tire. Its plenty is little, its noble one abased, its rich one poor, its venerable one menial, plenty of defects, full of regrets, scarce of serenity, devoid of fulfilment, no trust in its pacts and never fulfilling its promises.

The one who loves it is wretched, the one who desires it is mad and the one who trusts in it is shamed. It has covered its defects, hidden its disasters, it is treacherous with its falsehood, deceiving with its bribes, it has set its meshes and placed its nets. It has made permissible its
falsehoods and unsheathed its sword. It has made permanent its traits, concealed its ugliness and it calls; "Embrace me! Embrace me! Oh men!". For he who seeks reunion with it falls into its plot, it manifests upon him its evil condition, it intensifies its punishment and he falls into its
captivity because of his ignorance of its evil. He is afflicted by its plotting, so much so that he does not perceive its affair, until he bites his hands in regret, he cries blood after tears, it forsakes him to what he desired until he meets an evil return. He struggles to flee but escape is

So awaken yourself! Oh you! Before destruction, free yourself from its captivity before it becomes difficult to escape. Prepare to proceed to success and happiness, maybe Allah will grant you martyrdom from his grace, so do not let hamper you from this reward, a reason from these reasons. For the one of sound assurance is he who exhibits strong resolution and the one
of rational opinion is he who has a share in jihaad. He who clings to laziness and is deceived by hopes, his feet shall slip, he will regret where it will not avail him ought regret, he will gnash his teeth about that which has slipped and passed when he witnesses the martyrs in the highest most chambers of paradise:

"...and Allah says the truth and he guides the way" (Al-Ahzaab:4).

"...Allah is sufficient for us and the best disposer of our affairs"


1 A village in Egypt.

2 Author of Fathul Baari, the best explanation of Al-Bukhari's collection of saheeh ahadeeth.

3 One of Ibn Hajr's most notable students.

4 A term used meaning; the gaurding of the front lines and the waiting before engaging the enemy in battle.

5 Imprisoned scholar and leader in Algeria.

6 Ghaayat Al-Muraad fee Gadaayaa Al-Jihaad by Sheikh Alee bin Haaj.

7 An assassinated sheikh about who Time magazine writes "...he is responsible for reviving jihaad this century.", and as Muslims we know the reward for he who revives a forgotten sunnah, let alone a forgotten fard !.

8 We do not rule that he who is killed in jihaad is a shaheed and will enter paradise, because entry into paradise is a matter which depends upon the intention of the one killed, and that is in the knowledge of Allah. Calling the one killed in jihaad shaheed is for the purpose of attaching an apparent ruling to him built upon strong speculation because we do not wash him, shroud him or pray upon him and this is a matter stated by the majority of the salaf. Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalaany states: "And for this reason the salaf called those killed in Badr and Uhud Shuhadaa, and the intent in this is to attach an apparent ruling built upon strong speculation, and Allah knows best."(Fathul-Baari:6/90)

9 Sheikhul-Islam, Ibn-Taymia has quoted from the consensus of the scholars: The residing of a man in the land of ribaat as a muraabit (one who makes ribaat) is better than his residing in Makkah, Medinah or Baitul-Maqdis. See Majmu'a Al Fataawa: 28/5 by Ibn-Taymia.

10 Narrated by; At-Tirmithi who states it is hassan ghareeb saheeh, An-Nisaa'i, Ibn-Maaja, Imam Ahmad, Ad-Daarimi, Ibn-Hibaan, Abu Na�eem in Al-Hilya, Al-Baihaqi and Al-Bagawy in Sharh As-Sunnah, all with slightly different wording.

11 Narrated by ; At-Tirmithi who states that it is saheeh ghareeb,

Al-Haakim ; saheeh chain of reporters, Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak, Al-Baihaqi
in Shu'ab Al-Eeman.

12 Narrated by Al-Bukhari.

13 In reference to Surat Al-Hajj:2

14 In reference to Surat Ar-Rahmaan:41

15 In reference to a hadeeth narrated by At-Tirmithi from Abu Hurrayra who
said : The prophet (S.A.W) said : "The poor ones of the Muslims will enter
paradise before the wealthy by half a day, and that is five hundred years."
; hadeeth hassan saheeh. Also narrated by ; Ibn Maaja and Imam Ahmad.

16 Maalik : the custodian angel of the hell fire.

17 Referring to wealth.

18 Narrated by Al-Baihaqi in Shu'ab Al-Eeman.

19 In reference to a hadeeth narrated by Muslim in the book of eeman, chapter ; "The lowest of the people of paradise in station".

20 A village in Damascus.

21 Capital city of Yemen.

22 Narrated by At-Tirmithi: ghareeb.

23 Narrated by; Al-Baihaqi, Ahmad, An-Nasaa'i and Ibn Hibaan.

24 In reference to a long hadeeth narrated by At-Tirmithi.

25 A river in paradise.

26 In reference to a hadeeth narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

27 In reference to a hadeeth narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

28 In reference to a hadeeth Narrated by Muslim.

29 Narrated by; At-Tirmithi; hadeeth hassan and saheeh chain, verified by Al-Baihaqi,

Al-Haakim states : hadeeth saheeh uponMuslim's condition, and At-Thahabi agrees with him.

30 In reference to that narrated by; Ibn Abi Shaybah in "Mussanaf" and Ibn Al-Mubaarak.

31 Narrated by Al-Bukhari.


Oleh miza,2006-01-20 11:58:06

Sebaik sampai ke pintu wad, jeritan Jalal menerpa ke telinga saya. Jeritannya sungguh kuat kerana azab dan sakit yang ditanggungnya tidak  mampu ditanggung lagi. Saya percepatkan langkah menuju ke katilnya. Di sisi katil saya lihat ahli keluarga Jalal sedang menangis tersedu-sedu. Jelas mereka panik dan tidak tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan, kecuali melihat Jalal menggelepar kesakitan dan berdoa semoga Jalal cepat sembuh. Di katil pula, Jalal meraung dan meronta sambil tangan dan kakinya terikat kemas di katil.

"Terima kasih ustaz sebab sudi datang bantu kami. Saya dah tak tahu apa  nak buat. Dah seminggu lebih adik saya macam ni," kata salah seorang abang kepada Jalal sebaik melihat saya sampai.

Sebelum itu mereka menghubungi saya melalui telefon meminta saya segera datang untuk membantu menyembuhkan penyakit adik bongsu mereka itu.

"Apa sakitnya ni?" tanya saya. "Entahlah ustaz, doktor pun tak tau."

Sedang kami berbual, tiba-tiba sekali lagi Jalal menjerit kesakitan.  Kali ini jeritannya cukup jelas di pendengaran saya. Jeritannya menakutkan dan menyedihkan.

"Emak, ampunkan saya mak. Panaaaassss. Saya sakit mak, sakiiiiittttttt! Tolonglah emak, ampunkan dosa saya." Berserta raungan yang dilepaskan  sekuat hati, tubuh Jalal menggelepar seperti dipanggang di dalam api yang marak. Mukanya berkerut sementara matanya terbelalak akibat azab yang amat pedih. Semua yang ada di wad berkenaan memandang ke arah kami. Jeritan itu menyebabkan saya tertanya-tanya. Apakah yang menyebabkan Jalal jadi sedemikian rupa? Apa pula kaitan antara penyakitnya itu dengan ibunya?

"Panggil ibunya segera," kata saya.

Namun kata-kata saya itu tidak dijawab. Ahli keluarga Jalal cuma terdiam, menundukkan muka atau berpandangan sesama sendiri.

"Kenapa ni?" tanya saya.

Dengan perlahan abang Jalal bersuara, "Ustaz, ibu kami baru sahaja meninggal dunia dua minggu lepas."

"Kalau macam ini susahlah sikit. Saya rasa mungkin Jalal ada melakukan kesalahan besar kepada ibunya, sebab itulah dia menanggung azab yang begini rupa. Dalam keadaan macam ini, cuma ibunya saja yang dapat membantu," kata saya berterus terang.

Mereka cuma mendiam diri sementara jeritan Jalal semakin kuat. Saya semakin ingin mengetahui puncanya kerana dengan latar belakang itu insya Allah  saya boleh cuba carikan jalan lain untuk meredakan kesakitan Jalal.

"Ceritakanlah kepada saya apa yang sebenarnya telah berlaku."

"Ustaz, sebenarnya adik saya ini sudah derhaka kepada arwah ibu kami," jawab salah seorang daripada mereka.

Dengan tenang, tapi air mata bergenang abang Jalal menceritakan kepada  saya kisah yang sebenarnya, kisah yang cukup menyayat hati saya. Menurutnya, Jalal adalah anak bongsu daripada mereka enam beradik, empat perempuan dua lelaki dan di kalangan mereka, Jalal lah yang mempunyai kelulusan yang  lebih tinggi. Bagaimanapun, sejak kecil hinggalah dia bekerja dan seterusnya berkahwin, Jalal sentiasa sahaja melawan dan menyanggah kata-kata ibunya. Nasihat dan teguran ibunya pula dipandang rendah serta tidak diendahkan. Syurga anak di bawah telapak kaki ibunya. Walaupun berpendidikan tinggi, Jalal sentiasa sahaja kekurangan wang, seolah-olah tidak dirahmati rezekinya. Berterusanlah keadaan itu hingga dia berumahtangga. Keadaan menjadi semakin buruk apabila Jalal meletakkan jawatannya di sebuah  syarikat swasta. Hasratnya adalah untuk mencari rezeki yang lebih banyak di  syarikat lain, namun nasibnya bukan sahaja tidak berubah, malah menjadi semakin parah. Walau di syarikat manapun yang Jalal bekerja, dia akan menghadapi masalah yang seterusnya membawa kepada dia meletakkan jawatan. Dalam kegawatan itulah Jalal mula meminjam wang daripada sahabat-sahabatnya. Selepas sekian lama hutangnya semakin banyak, namun dia masih tidak mampu melunaskannya. Rumahtangga Jalal mula kucar-kacir dan akhirnya mereka bercerai. Bagi menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, Jalal mendesak ibunya supaya mencagarkan tanah mereka di kampung kepada bank. Tanah seluas 12 ekar itu ditinggalkan oleh bapa mereka yang meninggal dunia tiga tahun sebelum itu.

"Emak, saya nak tanah tu. Bank dah setuju nak kasi RM500,000. Saya nak duit tu buat berniaga," katanya kasar.

"Jalal, engkau ni dah melampau. Itu tanah adik-beradik kamu," jawab si = ibu.

"Ahhh, saya tak kira."

"Jalal, emak tidak benarkan. Emak tau, duit tu nanti bukannya engkau nak buat berniaga, tapi nak bayar hutang," jawab ibunya.

Bukan sahaja ibunya, malah semua adik-beradik Jalal tidak membenarkannya mencagarkan tanah tersebut kepada bank. Jalal pulang dengan hati kecewa. Namun dia masih bertekad untuk mendapatkan tanah berkenaan walau dengan apa cara sekalipun. Suatu hari, Jalal datang ke rumah ibunya. Beberapa orang adik-beradiknya ada di situ. Sekali lagi pertengkaran berlaku dan berakhir dengan tragedi yang amat menyedihkan. Ketika kemarahannya sampai  kemuncak, Jalal menolak ibunya sekuat-kuat hati menyebabkan kepala ibunya  terhantuk di pintu. Darah dari luka terpalit di pintu sedang ibunya terjelepok di  lantai, rebah tidak sedarkan diri. Si ibu segera dibawa ke hospital sementara Jalal puas hati kerana dapat melepaskan kemarahannya. Akibat pendarahan otak yang serius, ibunya meninggal dunia tanpa sempat melafazkan keampunan kepada Jalal. Bermulalah azab dalam hidup Jalal. Kira-kira seminggu selepas kematian ibunya, Jalal dikejarkan ke hospital kerana jatuh sakit secara tiba-tiba. Apa yang membingungkan ialah doktor gagal mengesan penyakit yang dihadapinya. Jalal sebaliknya meraung, menjerit, meronta dan menggelepar kesakitan. Dalam raungannya itulah dia meminta ampun kepada arwah ibunya kerana tidak sanggup menanggung azab yang pedih. Berterusanlah keadaannya selama beberapa hari hingga saya dipanggil. Dalam waktu itu, doktor dan jururawat tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa kecuali mengikat Jalal di katil dan menyuntiknya dengan ubat pelali untuk menidurkannya.

"Kalau begitu kisahnya, saya cuba cara lain," kata saya.

Di samping ayat-ayat suci al-Quran, saya membacakan surah Yassin untuknya. Namun apabila dibacakan saja ayat suci itu, Jalal menjerit kepanasan. Tubuhnya menggeletik dan menggelepar kesakitan.

"Aduh panasnya! Emak, ampunkanlah saya emak! Jangan bawa saya ke situ emak, panas. Jangan bawa saya ke situ. Saya tak mau, sakit, sakit. Tolonglah saya emak, ampunkan saya, saya bersalah."

Jeritan Jalal itu meruntun hati saya. Apakah yang dimaksudkannya dengan  'ke situ'? Kenapa Jalal tidak mahu dibawa 'ke situ' dan apa yang dilihatnya di situ? Akibat tidak tertahan panas, tubuh Jalal terpaksa dibogelkan. Tangan dan kakinya terus diikat ke katil. Selepas puas mencuba tapi keadaan Jalal masih tidak berubah, saya meminta diri untuk pulang. Satu ingatan saya tinggalkan kepada mereka, "Jika Jalal masih hidup selepas zuhur ini, insya-Allah nyawanya masih panjang. Kalau tidak..." Ketika itu lebih kurang pukul 10 pagi.

Saya tinggalkan mereka, namun sedang saya memandu, telefon bimbit saya berdering.

"Ustaz! Cepat ustaz, adik saya dah nazak," kata si abang.

Saya berpatah balik dan apabila sampai di katilnya, saya lihat Jalal begitu tenat. Nyawanya seperti sudah di penghujungan. Keluarganya semakin cemas sambil air mata tidak henti-henti mengalir. Saya bacakan Surah al-Asr, Surah al-Falaq, Surah an-Naas serta Asma ul Husna. Alhamdulillah, Jalal berhenti meraung dan menggelepar. Keadaan senyap seketika. Masing-masing beristighfar dan membaca ayat-ayat suci al-Quran. Terbayang kelegaan di wajah mereka. Tiba-tiba, ketenangan itu dipecahkan sekali lagi oleh jeritan Jalal. Dia mengerang sambil tubuhnya kejang menahan kesakitan, mata terjegil seperti hendak terkeluar dan dalam satu detik yang serentak juga najisnya terpancut keluar. Bertabur membasahi seluarnya. Bau najis menusuk hidung kami. Maha suci Allah, keadaannya adalah seperti sesuatu yang berat menghenyak  perutnya yang mengakibatkan nyawa, roh, najis, organ-organ dan segala-galanya yang ada di dalam tubuh terhambur keluar secara serentak. Di bahagian atas, semuanya seperti hendak terpancut keluar hingga mata Jalal tersembul sementara di bahagian bawah, kakinya kaku dan najis berhambur memancut-mancut. Cukup aib dan menyedihkan. Pakaian dan katil basah = dengan air mata, peluh serta najisnya. Selepas 'rentapan' itu, Jalal tidak bernafas lagi. Degupan jantungnya berhenti dan dia pergi menghadap Allah SWT untuk menerima balasan amalannya. Tamatlah riwayat seorang anak derhaka.

Saya cuma mampu melihat dengan gementar sementara keluarga Allahyarham menangis dan berpelukan sesama sendiri. Yang perempuan terpaksa keluar kerana tidak sanggup melihat mayat adik mereka. Demikianlah sakaratulmaut datang menjemput Jalal. Seperti yang dijelaskan di dalam al-Quran dan Hadis, ia datang dengan menyentap, merentap dan merenggut nyawa Jalal tanpa ada kasihan belas. Sudah berpuluh-puluh tahun saya menguruskan jenazah dan melihat orang menghadapi saat kematiannya, namun pengalaman menyaksikan sakaratulmaut menjemput Jalal cukup memilukan hati saya. Kesengsaraan  yang ditanggung oleh Jalal sudah berakhir, namun mayatnya meninggalkan keaiban yang amat sangat. Matanya terbonjol seperti hendak terkeluar sementara giginya menyeringai. Dari kerut wajahnya, jelas sekali Allahyarham baru sahaja menanggung kesakitan dan azab yang amat pedih. Saya cuba pejamkan mata Allahyarham, namun gagal. Kelopak mata tidak berupaya untuk menutup biji matanya yang tersembul itu. Cukup mengerikan kerana hanya mata = putih sahaja yang kelihatan. Ikatan di kaki dan tangan Allahyarham dileraikan  dan tangannya diqiamkan. Kaki Allahyarham dirapatkan, namun sekali lagi saya menyaksikan keaiban kaki Allahyarham tidak boleh dirapatkan kerana duburnya terpancut keluar dan membonjol di celah kelengkangnya. Saya menenangkan mereka supaya bersabar dan reda dengan apa yang telah terjadi. Selesai membersihkan tubuh Allahyarham, jenazah dibawa turun kerana keluarganya mahu menguruskan jenazah tersebut di rumah mereka di salah sebuah taman perumahan di sebuah negeri di pantai barat semenanjung. Rupa-rupanya keaiban belum berakhir. Sebaik sahaja van yang membawa Allahyarham keluar dari perkarangan hospital, tiba-tiba keempat-empat shock absorbernya patah secara  serentak. Van yang cuma membawa lima orang, mayat yang badannya sederhana sahaja, dua orang abang dan kakaknya, pemandu serta seorang pembantu, boleh patah  shock absorbernya? Kelindan van bergegas memanggil kami. Maha suci Allah, Tuhan yang Maha Besar, apabila hendak dikeluarkan dari van, jenazah itu kami rasakan teramat berat hingga terpaksa diangkat oleh kira-kira 15 orang. Selesai masalah itu, satu lagi masalah timbul - tidak ada van atau  kereta yang berani untuk mengangkat jenazah tersebut. Kebetulan sebuah lori kosong yang mengangkat tanah, pasir ataupun kelapa sawit lalu di tempat  kejadian. Dengan lori itulah jenazah dibawa pulang ke rumahnya. Apa yang membingungkan kami ialah walaupun mayat berkenaan terlalu berat, tapi kayu penusungnya tidak pula patah. Lori bertolak ke rumah Allahyarham sementara saya pula memandu pulang ke rumah. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa Allahyarham dikebumikan  di sebelah kubur ibunya. Namun diceritakan juga kepada saya bahawa tanah yang ditambun ke atas kuburnya tidak mencukupi. Untuk mengelakkan kubur Allahyarham berlubang, tanah lain terpaksa diambil dan ditambun ke atasnya.

Tiga hari kemudian, saya menerima panggilan telefon daripada keluarga Allahyarham.

"Ustaz, saya nak minta pertolongan dan pandangan daripada ustaz."

"Apa masalahnya itu?" tanya saya.

"Kubur adik saya berlubang ustaz."

Masya-Allah, demikian sekali keaiban yang Allah tunjukkan kepada anak yang derhaka kepada ibunya. Menurut abang Allahyarham, kewujudan lubang itu disedari sehari selepas Allahyarham dikebumikan. Lubang tersebut bermula dari bahagian tengah kubur hinggalah mencecah kepada papan yang menutup liang lahad. Tambah abang Allahyarham lagi, mereka mengambusnya dengan tanah, namun keesokan harinya kubur tersebut berlubang semula.

"Begini sajalah, cuba masukkan sekali kayu atau papan ke dalam lubang tersebut, insya-Allah, tak berlubang lagi," kata saya.

Namun keesokan harinya sekali lagi abang Allahyarham menghubungi saya memberitahu bahawa kubur berkenaan berlubang semula. Apa yang membingungkannya, tanah di kubur arwah ibunya langsung tidak berubah, = masih tetap membusut walaupun sudah lebih dua minggu dikebumikan. Bukan itu sahaja, katanya, pokok yang ditanam di kubur ibunya juga hidup segar sedangkan pokok yang ditanam di kubur adiknya mati kelayuan. Pada hari kelima, saya menghubungi abang Allahyarham.

"Begini sajalah," kata saya. "Mulai malam ini buatlah majlis Yasin dan tahlil. Panggil 20 orang dan setiap seorang baca Surah Yassin sebanyak 2 kali. Apabila selesai bacaan Yasin, minta imam bacakan doa supaya diampunkan dosa Allahyarham kepada ibunya. Baca dalam bahasa Melayu dan ulang doa itu sebanyak tujuh kali."

Seperti yang saya nasihatkan, pada malam berkenaan mereka mengadakan  majlis itu. Namun saya diberitahu, imam yang membaca doa tersebut menggigil ketakutan. Alhamdulillah, pada hari ketujuh, kubur berkenaan tidak lagi berlubang. Peristiwa ini sudah berlaku empat tahun lepas namun masih terbayang-bayang di mata saya. Setiap kali tibanya hari raya Aidilfitri, setiap kali itulah peristiwa tersebut menjelma dalam ingatan kerana ia terjadi cuma beberapa hari selepas kita berhari raya. Sungguh menyentuh  hati saya, ketika orang sedang bergembira berhari raya, ketika itulah keluarga tersebut ditimpa petaka, si ibu meninggal dunia dan anaknya yang derhaka diazab hingga ke akhir hayatnya.

Kisah ini saya paparkan bukan untuk mengaibkan Allahyarham ataupun keluarganya, tapi supaya kita dapat mengambilnya sebagai pedoman dan iktibar. Doakanlah semoga dosa Allahyarham Jalal diampunkan Allah.

semua ada hikmahnya....

Demi NEGARA & RAKYAT, kita perlu BERUBAH

Nampaknya demi NEGARA & RAKYAT, rakyat terpaksa MEMBERSIHKAN negara dari BN/UMNO. Satu-satunya cara yang dibenarkan oleh Perlembagaan negara kita ialah melalui pilihan raya umum. Ingatlah kita ada tugas penting dalam pilihan raya umum nanti, iaitu PANGKAHLAH MANA-MANA PARTI...KECUALI BN. 

Apa2...kita try la sepenggal dulu.

4 Watak Isteri Dalam Al-Quran

Tajuk asal: 4 Watak Isteri... Ditukar ke tajuk baru: 4 Watak Isteri Dalam Al-Quran

Oleh lily, 2003-03-12 12:05:12

Dalam al-Quran, ada digambarkan empat jenis wanita yang bergelar isteri.

Pertama, jenis ideal isteri Musa. Walaupun al-Quran tidak menyebut namanya, namun isteri Musa ini dikenali sebagai Safura anak perempuan Nabi Syuaib a.s. Safura digambarkan seorang gadis murni. Dia tertarik dengan Musa. Cintanya kepada calon suami, tidak hanya demi kebahagiaan keluarga, iaitu membantu ayahnya. Al-Quran menggambarkan cinta mulia dan halus Safura melalui ayat 26 surah al-Qashash yang bermaksud:

Salah seorang dari kedua wanita itu berkata "Ya bapaku ambillah ia sebagai orang yang bekerja (pada kita), kerana sesungguhnya orang yang paling baik yang kamu ambil untuk bekerja (pada kita) ialah orang yang kuat lagi dapat dipercayai"

Dan sesungguhnya perkahwinan yang ideal ialah perempuan yang mulia serta setia berpasangan dengan suami yang kuat lagi amanah. Inilah pasangan romantis sebenar.

Kedua, jenis isteri Abu Lahab iaitu perempuan jahat berganding dengan suami terkutuk. Dalam Surah al-Lahab ayat 3 dan 4 yang bermaksud:

"Kelak dia akan masuk ke dalam api yang bergejolak. Dan (begitu pula) isterinya, pembawa kayu bakar"

Isteri Abu Lahab bernama Ummu Jamil tidak disebut dalam al-Quran. Abu Lahab memiliki akhlak buruk dan dikatakan pernah mencuri emas yang terdapat di Kaabah kerana tamak dan rakusnya.

Isterinya pula seorang penyombong dan memiliki perasaan hasad dengki yang kuat. Jadi, tugasnya ialah pembantu setia kejahatan suaminya.

Kalau Abu Lahab merupakan penentang utama terhadap Nabi s.a.w, maka isterinya adalah pendorong utama yang turut aktif di dalam kegiatan jenayah suaminya.
Jadi jika suami diumpamakan terbakar dalam kejahatan nafsu, isteri pula pembawa kayu api - iaitu pengobar kejahatan suami. Maknanya isteri aktif dalam kegiatan jahat suami.

Ketiga, isteri baik dalam genggaman suami yang jahat. Watak ini menyebut isteri Firaun sebagai contohnya. Walaupun Firaun melalui al-Quran merupakan seorang Raja Besar yang dikutuk Allah, namun isterinya disanjung tinggi dalam al-Quran. Isteri Firaun yang kononnya bernama Asiah ini juga tidak diberikan nama oleh al-Quran. Ia disebut sebagai "imraatu Firaun" atau perempuan Firaun sahaja.

Walaupun Asiah ditakdirkan berpasangan sebagai suami isteri dengan Firaun, namun tindakan akhlaknya sangat bertentangan dengan suaminya yang zalim itu.
Asiah menyelamatkan Musa, sebaliknya Firaun ingin menghapuskan Musa. Dia berkenan dan beriman dengan ajaran Islam yang dibawa Musa. Semua manusia dilingkungannya menyembah Firaun sebagai Tuhan, tetapi dia diam-diam menyembah Allah.

Keempat ialah watak perempuan isteri Nuh dan Lut. Isteri dua orang Nabi a.s ini dinyatakan Allah melalui al-Quran surah at-Tahriim ayat 10 yang bermaksud:

"Allah membuat isteri Nuh dan isteri Lut perumpamaan bagi orang-orang kafir. Keduanya berada di bawah pengawasan dua orang hamba yang salih di antara hamba-hamba Kami; lalu kedua isteri itu berkhianat kepada kedua suaminya, maka kedua suaminya itu tiada dapat membantu mereka sedikitpun, dari (seksa) Allah; dan dikatakan (kepada keduanya); "masuklah ke neraka bersama orang-orang yang masuk (neraka)."

Isteri Lut kononnya bernama Wa'ilah, tetapi isteri Nuh tidak diketahui namanya. Namun kedua perempuan ini juga tidak disebut dalam al-Quran siapakah nama mereka. Keduanya adalah isteri kepada dua lelaki pilihan Allah, namun mereka disifatkan oleh Allah sebagai pengkhianat dan menjadi ahli neraka.

Demikianlah gambaran watak isteri dalam al-Quran.


Komen: Semoga isteri kita termasuk dari isteri yang pertama dalam artikel di atas. Maaf kerana menukar tajuk artikel di atas, dari tajuk asal: 4 Watak Isteri... Ditukar ke tajuk baru: 4 Watak Isteri Dalam Al-Quran untuk melengkapinya. Terima kasih Lily.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BN’s four methods to win the polls

BN’s four methods to win the polls

Selena Tay | March 7, 2012

The ruling coalition has four distinct methods of winning the general election and this includes cheating.

Barisan Nasional is using three powerful and distinct methods to win the forthcoming 13th general election and their methods can be grouped into three main categories, namely:

1. Population re-engineering;

2. Propaganda to brainwash the citizens; and

3. Philosophy of Malay Supremacy and 1Malaysia.

There is a fourth method but we will go into that later.

First of all, population re-engineering. The demographics of the nation has changed greatly from the 1980s right on to this year.

In the 1990s, there was a great influx of Filipinos and Indonesians into Sabah and these people were given citizenship in droves. The situation has not seen any improvement and many original Sabahans and origianal natives of Sabah are already questioning this “Project IC”. But the BN federal government has not taken any measures to address the situation.

Fast forward to the new century and now it is already very obvious that even the demography of Peninsular Malaysia has undergone a drastic change.

In the heart of Kuala Lumpur around the location of Central Market, the foreign worker population has outnumbered the locals with Bangladeshi workers being the most in number followed by the Indonesians and the Myanmarese. In the Selayang wholesale market, the Myanmar population hold sway while in Damansara Damai and Jalan Chow Kit in KL, it is the Indonesians who number the most; the list can go on and on.

Some of these foreign workers are even wearing t-shirts belonging to a certain political party, maybe it has been given to them free of charge but perhaps there is a more sinister reason behind it.

PKR’s Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin has highlighted that there was an attempt to give Malaysian citizenship to 2,000 low-skilled foreign workers in Hulu Selangor and in October last year, PAS Youth managed to spot busloads of foreign workers near Putrajaya who were supposed to go for an entrepreneur course.

All these cloak-and-dagger stuff is going on to the detriment of the local population’s employment chances. So far, the home minister has chosen to maintain an “elegant silence” on these matters although the same has been highlighted in Parliament.

Indians must wake up

The change in population demographics is now so bad that the foreign worker population is already more than the Malaysian Indians. The Indians number about two million while the official count of the foreign workers is 2.8 million. And that is only the official count. What about the unofficial count? Soon too they will be more than the Chinese if the government does not curb their influx. There is surely something very wrong with the nation’s administration if the foreign worker population is more than one segment of the local population. Perhaps it is time for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat to consider campaigning to the foreign workers too!

This columnist hopes that the Indians who read this write-up will wake up to the fact that the voice and employment opportunities of the Malaysian Indians are slowly being eroded by the foreign worker policy of the BN government. Indians must wake up now, otherwise it is too late.

Next is propaganda. The mainstream media is BN’s propaganda tool. All the mainstream papers as well as all the television and radio channels are BN’s mouthpiece and all they do is bad-mouth Pakatan 24/7.

Besides the mainstream media, there is the dreaded Biro Tata Negara (BTN) or National Civics Bureau whose job is to indoctrinate civil servants to be anti-opposition and to worship the belief-system called Malay Supremacy. During BTN courses, the Malays are brainwashed into thinking that if Umno falls, the Malay race will be wiped out.

Now there is a newly set up Strategic Communications And Psychological War Unit in the Youth and Sports Ministry as revealed by PAS Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar. This said unit has spent RM40 million of taxpayers’ money staying in Sarawak three months before the 10th Sarawak state elections last year. Mahfuz further added that this unit has no financial records and its funds are obtained directly from the Youth and Sports Ministry

The purpose of this unit is to influence and brainwash the youths into voting for BN as a recent survey has revealed that the youth voters are not very BN-friendly.

Two philosopies

Philosophy is BN’s third deadly weapon with Malay Supremacy being a philosophy propagated by Umno to secure the Malay votes till the end of time. This racist belief is a programmed Malay-microchip implanted in the Malay brain and that is the main reason why PAS is having difficulty in gaining Malay support. This Malay Supremacy philosophy has become the heart and soul of the Malay and is in their lifeblood.

As for 1Malaysia, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has said that it is a philosophy. That may be so. Nevertheless, it is a philosophy to dupe the non-Malays into pledging their loyalty to BN. It is just an empty make-you-feel-good philosophy that everything is fair and equal in Malaysia – which according to BN is a Utopia for all Malaysians.

Therefore, BN has two philosophies: one to get the Malay vote and the other to secure the non-Malay vote. Insidious! It is this fiendish ploy that has ensured their survival for more than 54 years and perhaps more.

And now for the fourth method that BN can employ to win at the polls: cheating. Plain cheating via manipulation of the electoral rolls by the Election Commission (EC). Transferring out the eligible voters’ names, adding in dubious voters and phantom voters, manipulating the postal votes and the list goes on

Yes, BN is using all these methods and much more. Pakatan MPs have raised these issues with the EC but to no avail. The question now is what can the Malaysian citizens do about it?

Selena Tay is a FMT columnist.